we are single threaded beings


this post is poorly written, but it captures something.

a realization that i've been having more and more is that humans are single threaded beings.

i won't go into the whole spiel about how modern society is too busy and how we are constantly bombarded by stimulus. you know this.

but i'm now convinced that this has a negative effect on me. i almost never do a single thing:


eating healthy is something that i find extremely difficult. more precisely, i have a hard time not over-eating. this is an area of my life where i want to force myself to be single threaded and focus on the food that i am eating, without the distraction of the tv. focusing on the actual eating will hopefully


while discussing, humans love seeing their listeners paying attention to what they are seeing. this shows interest and strengthen the relationship. here are a couple of recurring situations where i want to practice participating single threadly discussions


people familiar with the practice of mindfulness will hopefully resonate with some of the content on this page. mindfulness is a subject that i find fascinating and i expect more content related to it in the future.